Need help installing a Smoke or Carbon Monoxide detector or changing the battery in existing detectors?
Please contact us at (231) 947-4096, option 1 to schedule an appointment to have your smoke or carbon monoxide detector installed, or to have the detector’s battery changed. Did you know that Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors need to be replaced 10-years from their manufacture date? Our staff will be glad to assist you to ensure that your detectors are within date and ready to keep you and your family safe.
Welcome to Long Lake Fire – Rescue!
Long Lake Fire-Rescue provides Fire, Rescue and EMS Emergency Services within Long Lake Township’s 36-square miles for approximately 10,000 residents and visitors. We respond to approximately 575 calls for emergency services annually.
From Station 10 located at 8578 North Long Lake Road, our agency provides Fire Suppression, Rescue and Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Services to the community utilizing a combination of 10 Full-Time and 8 Part-time/Paid-On-Call Volunteers.